Thursday, February 9, 2012


I got a new tattoo on Saturday.  It was a semi spur of the moment decision.  I have wanted another tattoo for quite some time.  After we got done with our taxes on Saturday I told J that I wanted to stop at the tattoo place.  I found the guy that did my shamrock from 10 years ago.  

I ended up getting "Faith" on my left wrist.  All during the infertility process I've had a line in a country song stuck in my head.  "Have a little more faith than the world has doubt."  I really like that.  I like how it reminds me to have faith in myself as well as others.  Every now and then I need a little help remembering. 

Wrigley is doing amazing.  He went to the vet on Monday for his final round of puppy shots. At 17 weeks old he already weighs 44 pounds! He is such a big boy.  I wish he would stop wiggling enough for me to scoop him up and cuddle with him.  He only lets me do that when he's super tired.  I'm very happy that he is starting to sleep through the night.  The last few nights he's gone out at 9 and stayed asleep until 6am.  It's been heavenly.  It's funny how much having a puppy is like having a baby.  I told J, "We're ready now. We are used to getting up in the middle of the night!"  

We got our final bill from the IVF and hysterscopy procedure.  Gotta love insurance being so slow with getting information back to the doctor's office.  It was kind of bittersweet for me sending in the bill.  I know it sounds silly but it's like closing the door on our relationship with PNWF & Dr M.  We can't afford another round of IVF.  We could afford IUI out of pocket but when it only gives you a 25% chance, it's not really worth it.  I remember thinking of the day that we'd see our baby on the monitors in the office.  How months later we'd bring our newborn in to show Dr M and all the nurses that helped us.  This last birthday was hard because I feel like we are getting further away from having a baby of our own and the possibility of being without one is growing.  

I guess this is where that "Faith" thing comes in. :)

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