Friday, November 15, 2013

Slow like a turtle

I was pretty happy.  The first week I lost a pound.  I know this is going to be a long process.  I need to be patient.  Patience sometimes is not my strong suit. :)  I'm working.  I've been doing well with tracking my food and making sure I'm making good choices.  Though last night I had a serious craving for a double bacon cheeseburger.  Mmm.

I've done really well with going to the gym this week. Worked out with my trainer on Wednesday.  We did a lot of core work. It was tough but I love how I feel when we are done.  It's a great stress reliever.  Things at work are quite hectic and it's good to have an outlet.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

New day starting with me!

In January we are going on a Carribean cruise. I seriously cannot wait for it! It's a country cruise and we will have country concerts every single night.  I purchased a few new swimsuits and I'm using them as my motivation to get in shape.  I've been meaning to get back to the gym for, oh I don't know, 2 years? :)  Sunday I finally kicked my ass and went.  I started a new gym that is right down the hill by our house.  They offer a free training session every month and a nice range of classes. Tonight after work I really just wanted to go home and sit on the couch but I didn't.  I went to the gym and ended up spending 1.5 hours on the treadmill watching the Bears game.

I'm feeling really good about the positive changes I'm making in my life.  I was talking to J about it on Sunday and he is fully on board and supportive.  That really helps a lot. :)
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