Friday, June 10, 2011

Human pin cushion

More blood work and another u/s today.   They had to take blood from my left arm this time to give my right arm a break.  I'm starting to feel like a human pin cushion.  My doctor is out today so another doctor was going to fill in for the u/s.  When I got there she was in an ER procedure and they asked if I wanted to wait or I could have a tech do the u/s.  I let the tech do the u/s.  I didn't know how long I would be waiting and I didn't want to miss too much more of work.  Looks like my left side is the dominant side for follicles.  The tech measure 6 on the left with the biggest one being 11.  They want to see the 2 biggest follicles at 18 before they do a retrieval. I forgot to ask where the other follicle went because on Weds the doctor measure 7 follicles.  Our IVF coordinator is going to call me this afternoon with results from my blood work and to let me know when I begin the ganirelex shot. Right now she's thinking possibly beginning that on Saturday.  I go in for another u/s and more bw on Sunday at 9 and then again on Tuesday.  Too bad I can't claim parking fees on my FSA account. haha. Still looking at a tentative retrieval date of Thursday.  That would work perfectly for our schedules. J is doesn't work and the earliest they'd do transfer would be Sunday.  Which would be great because we have tickets to the baseball game Saturday night. 

Last night's shots hurt a little bit.  I think it was because I had a very full tummy when I gave them to me.  I told the u/s tech that I have this full feeling in my tummy all day.  She made me laugh because she said "Yup it's that feeling you get every Thanksgiving but this time it doesn't go away."  That's EXACTLY how it feels! ha. 

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