Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lookin good!

Went in for more blood work and u/s today to check how everything is going.  I also did the pre-op visit for the egg retrieval. They have to do a pre-op because you are going under anesthesia.  My blood pressure was awesome.  Something like 98/60.  The nurse actually commented asking if I'm always this low.  I told her every time I get my blood pressure taken there are always comments about how awesome it is.  

The u/s went good. I have 7 follicles on my left side and 6 on my right.  Dr M said she likes to see between 3 and 10 so I'm sitting pretty right now.  They are measuring roughly the same size which is good.  Our IVF coordinator said they like seeing them the same size because they "grow up" together.  When they get the results from my blood work back they'll give me a call this afternoon and let me know if there are any changes to the meds I'm taking.  Right now they are thinking I'm good to continue with what I'm doing.  Next appointment is Friday for another u/s and more blood work.  Looking at tentative ER on Thursday which would work out perfectly because my husband is off that day.  

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